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Mass Removal Surgery

Mass Removal Surgery Services In Chevy Chase, MD

Mass Removal Surgery

Thomas G. Zorc, MD uses precise surgical techniques to remove both small or complex masses with a focus on minimizing pain and scarring and a quick return to full activity.  If you have a lump, mass, or area of swelling almost anywhere on your body, you may be a candidate for having the mass removed by Dr. Zorc.  As a highly skilled surgeon, Dr. Zorc can remove most masses and lumps with same-day surgery on an outpatient basis.  He uses minimally invasive techniques whenever possible to achieve the best cosmetic results.  Call the Chevy Chase, Maryland, office to schedule a consultation or request an appointment online today.

Mass Removal Surgery Q & A

What is mass removal surgery?

Mass removal surgery is a procedure to remove a small and large mass or tumor from your breast, abdomen, or most other parts of your body. 

Dr. Zorc offers mass removal surgery services whether the mass is benign or cancerous.  He focuses on the diagnosis and treatment for cancer or other conditions in people aged 16 and over. He takes a patient-centered approach to designing a surgical plan to your needs and uses advanced minimally invasive and open surgical techniques.

What happens during mass removal surgery?

During mass removal surgery, Dr. Zorc can provide local or general anesthesia to keep you relaxed and minimize discomfort.

He makes an incision in the skin over the mass and uses specialized surgical instruments to remove the tumor and surrounding tissues.

After closing your incisions with stitches, he applies a clean dressing over the incisions. Dr. Zorc sends any tissue he removes to a medical lab for further evaluation. Testing can determine if you have cancer or if the cancer has spread outside of the mass.

If Dr. Zorc performs mass removal surgery on an outpatient basis, you can expect to go home after a brief period of recovery. For more complex surgeries, you may need to have surgery in a hospital and spend a few days under medical observation.

How long does it take to recover from mass removal surgery?

Everyone heals at their own pace following mass removal surgery. If Dr. Zorc removes a small amount of tissue through small incisions, you should be able to return to your routine within a few days.

If you undergo surgery for a large or complex mass, you might need several weeks of healing before you can resume activities.

Dr. Zorc can prescribe antibiotics when necessary and can help you manage pain after surgery.  After surgery, you can expect to schedule routine checkups in the office, so he can monitor your healing process. If you have any concerns about your recovery, you can contact Dr. Zorc at any time, including after normal business hours.

Call the office of Thomas G. Zorc, MD, to schedule a consultation for mass removal surgery or request an appointment online today.